Threaded Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli

Version 5/140605

"Translation in italian of Version 5/140601 of Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley. A conversation system tracking facts known, phrases spoken, and subjects of conversation."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


++ 0% (Reading text)
++ 5% (Analysing sentences)
Chapter - Responses in the extension Threaded Conversation IT by Leonardo

I'm having difficulties conjugating the verb 'pensare'. There's a
problem in Inform's linguistic grammar, which is probably set by a
translation extension. The problem occurs in the definition of
<verb-conjugation-instructions>: the instructions here failed to choose a
Copy Include Threaded Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include Threaded Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Read the original documentation of Version 5/140601 of Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley.
Version 5/140605 of Threaded Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"Translation in italian of Version 5/140601 of Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley.

A conversation system tracking facts known, phrases spoken, and subjects of conversation."

Include Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley.
Include Conversation Framework IT by Leonardo Boselli.


Book 1 - The Current Interlocutor

Understand "se stesso" as a man when the item described is the current interlocutor.
Understand "se stessa" as a woman when the item described is the current interlocutor.

Part One - The Discussing Action

Chapter 1 - Understanding and basic definitions

Understand the commands "chiedi", "parla", "dici", "di'", "discuti", "rispondi", "c", "p" as something new.
Understand "dici addio/arrivederci" or "di' addio/arrivederci" as leavetaking. [The system needs to recognize that this is not an attempt at conversation.]

Section 1a - discussing it with

    "discuti [a typable quip] con [someone]" or
    "discuti di [a typable quip] con [someone]" or
    "discuti del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable quip] con il/lo/la/i/gli/le/l [someone]" or
    "parla di [a typable quip] con [someone]" or
    "parla del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable quip] con il/lo/la/i/gli/le/l [someone]" or
    "riferisci [a typable quip] a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone]"
   as discussing it with
   when the current interlocutor is a person.
   "parla a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable informative quip]" or
   "chiedi a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable questioning quip]" or
   "parla a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell/che [a typable informative quip]" or
   "dici a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell/che [a typable informative quip]" or
   "di' a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell/che [a typable informative quip]" or
   "riferisci a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone] di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell/che [a typable informative quip]"
   as discussing it with (with nouns reversed)
   when the current interlocutor is a person.
Section 1b - discussing

   "parla [a typable quip]" or
   "parla di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable quip]" or
   "discuti [a typable quip]" or
   "riferisci [a typable quip]" or
   "discuti di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable quip]"
   as discussing.

   "cambia discorso a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [a typable quip]" and
   "parla di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable informative quip]" and
   "chiedi di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [a typable questioning quip]" and
   "riferisci [a typable informative quip]" and
   "chiedi [a typable questioning quip]" as discussing.
Understand the command "c" as "chiedi".
Understand the command "p" as "parla".


Book II - Changing The Subject

Understand "argomenti" or "cambia argomento" as changing the subject.

Book III - Starting A Conversation

Understand "chiedi [someone talk-ineligible] [text]" as starting a conversation with it about.
Understand "chiedi a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone talk-ineligible] [text]" as starting a conversation with it about.
Understand "parla [someone talk-ineligible] [text]" as starting a conversation with it about.
Understand "parla a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all [someone talk-ineligible] [text]" as starting a conversation with it about.

Book IV - Conversing With No One

   "parla [any quip]" and
   "parla di [any quip]" and
   "dici [any quip]" and
   "di' [any quip]" and
   "discuti [any quip]" as non-speaking
    when the current interlocutor is not a person.

   "cambia argomento a [any quip]" and
   "riferisci di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [any informative quip]" and
   "chiedi di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [any questioning quip]" and
   "parla di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell [any informative quip]" and
   "chiedi [any questioning quip]" as non-speaking
    when the current interlocutor is not a person.

Chapter - Responses

In Italian pensare is a verb.

     check for mis-defined items rule response (A) is "[line break][The item] [parli] di [te] [stesso], ciò causa il blocco del programma.".
     check for mis-defined items rule response (B) is "Per risolvere il problema, trova la dichiarazione degli elementi elencati; nota dove menzionano soggetti che sono parte del loro stesso nome; e aggiungi una riga al tuo sorgente del tipo 'Florble is a subject.' *prima* che il testo appaia per la prima volta. Di solito è una buona idea dichiarare tutti i soggetti della conversazione all[']inizio del sorgente e prima che il testo appaia. Allo stesso modo, se l'oggetto nominato non è un soggetto, ma qualcosa che comunque appare nel gioco, sii certo che quei testi siano tutti definiti dopo il codice sorgente che descrive l[']impostazione del mondo.".
     scan for unidentified subjects rule response (A) is "[The item] is a subject.[line break]".
     recap of known facts rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Finora non [hai] scoperto molto.".
     recap of known facts rule response (B) is "[regarding the player]Ri[pensi] a ciò che [hai] scoperto: [line break] ".
     cache reporting rule response (A) is "The cache reporting rule is not listed in any rulebook. The caching thread position information rule is not listed in any rulebook. The check for mis-defined items rule is not listed in any rulebook. The scan for unidentified subjects rule is not listed in any rulebook. The indirect-following initializing rule is not listed in any rulebook.[paragraph break]".
     cache reporting rule response (B) is "[true-name of item] is [if item is upwardly-restrictive]upwardly-restrictive and[end if] [if item is dead-ended]dead-ended and[end if] [if item is shallowly-buried]shallowly-buried and[end if] a quip.".
     cache reporting rule response (C) is "[true-name of item] indirectly-follows [true-name of new].".
     standard listing subject changes rule response (A) is "[quip-suggestion-phrase][the prepared list delimited in disjunctive style].".
     standard quip plausibility rule response (A) is "[quip-suggestion-phrase][the prepared list delimited in disjunctive style].".
     prefix-ask rule response (A) is "chiedi ".
     prefix-say rule response (A) is "di['] ".
     standard quip disambiguation rule response (A) is "Cosa [regarding the player][hai] intenzione di discutere: [the prepared list delimited in disjunctive style]?".
     implicitly greet a named potential conversant rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][stai] parlando [ap the second noun].".
quips are not tangible rule response (A) is "Non ho capito la frase.".
quips are not visible rule response (A) is "Non sembra essere un argomento di conversazione al momento.".
     cannot talk without an interlocutor rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][stai] parlando con nessuno [ora].".
     say the player's line rule response (A) is "[comment of the noun][paragraph break]".
     say the player's line rule response (B) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][parli][maiuscolo] [dip the noun].".
     interlocutor's reply rule response (A) is "[reply of the noun]".
     interlocutor's reply rule response (B) is " [run paragraph on]".
characters remind you if you are ignoring them rule response (A) is "[nag of the current quip][paragraph break]".
     default pause-construction rule response (A) is "[if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds][run paragraph on][otherwise][paragraph break][end if]".
     default pause-construction rule response (B) is "[beat] [run paragraph on]".
     character takes the initiative rule response (A) is "[reply of the noun] [run paragraph on]".
     default beat rule response (A) is "[regarding nothing][maiuscolo][Ci sei][maiuscolo] una breve pausa.[run paragraph on]".
     no quip worth saying default rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][hai] nulla di appropriato da dire. [run paragraph on]".
     interlocutor ignorance default rule response (A) is "'Non lo so,' [regarding the doofus][say] [the doofus]. [run paragraph on]".
     subject change default rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][hai] altri argomenti da proporre [ora].".

Threaded Conversation IT ends here.